Monday 23 November 2009

Good mood

Listening to: Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron and Wine

I've had a lovely day with one of my best friends Becca today ♥ Haven't seen her properly in ages, but today we went Christmas shopping and out for tea (Pizza Hut happy hour, 4 quid for a starter a pizza and a drink, amazing!) then we had mulled wine from the German market, was so nice! Until I started to feel ill, so I came home, had a bath then watched Sex and The City movie. Cannot wait for the second one to come out! I fully intend on buying all of the series with my xmas money!

I went to the hairdressers to see about getting my hair done blonde today - gonna cost around £120, but I need it done twice because my hair's so dark, so that's about £200. Is going blonde really worth that much money? I think so.

I'm talking to this guy on MSN who says he's going to prove to me that men can be amazing and he wants to meet up...good luck to him is all I can say, I'm sure as hell gonna take some convincing!

Lauren is booking tickets to come up for my birthday tomorrow, YEY! xxxxxxxxx

Sunday 22 November 2009

SO excited!

Listening to: Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
(I like the Live Lounge version by Paramore more though)

Reasons to be excited are as follows:
1. Lauren is coming to visit earlier than expcected, YES!
2. I'm going to London on December 4th to see Frankmusik with Ann-la!
3. I'm taking a leap and trying out blonde.
4. I plan to get a lovely tattoo across my back, it's gonna be big and gorgeous!
5. Jedward are playing in Newcastle on December 5th. I hate them, but boyyyy are they worth a watch live!

Diet has gone completely out of the window though. Put all of the weight that I lost back on; Kate Moss says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"? Well fuck you. You're beautiful and everything, but give me a curry and a pint of cider anyday and I'll bloody well enjoy it!

Chow for now x

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Don't let them see you cry

Listening to: Lie In the Sound - Trespassers William

So, today hasn't been great. Was in a mega good mood until my grandad bought me a galaxy bar; I caved, ate in, then ate 4 packets of crisps, 4 sandwiches and some Fanta. I'm so shit :( TOMORROW I WILL BE GOOD ALL DAY. I've put back on nearly all of the weight I've lost.

Feeling pretty shity currently, miss Lauren, miss London and wondering why I don't miss other people. I really don't want to be at home for the next year. I'm also worried I'm not gonna get into uni anywhere for next year; my grades are canny rubbish. I'm also sick of sitting in the house 24/7, I need some money and a proper job. Not having any luck in finding either. URGH.

I've been thinking about someone loads lately. I told Lauren all about him already. I really want a boyfriend, but the only person I want is him. No matter how many other people I like, nobody ever compares to him. I'd ditch anyone in a second, for the chance to be with this guy. I know it's never gonna happen though. Two words: fiance, child. I've been in love with him for well over 2 years now, but I haven't seen him in ages. The worst part is I think he felt the same; I hate how compicated life can be. I really, really miss him.

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I'd do anything for things to go back to how they used to be ♥
You're amazing.

Monday 16 November 2009

One word:


For Lola

Yup, for you, since you're complaining you haven't had your daily dose of CT, even though you haven't blogged in 4 WHOLE DAYS.

The diet isn't going to well, had a bad weekend and 2 pints of cider at the pub tonight followed by 4 ham and cheese sanwhichs and crisps. Nightmare!

Christmas shifts have been put up in the pub; I'm working xmas day, boxing day AND new years eve. Devastated! At least I have new years day off, hello massive piss up ♥

I told this guy who I'm friends with that I like him on Saturday night, even though all he ever talks about when he speaks to me is how much he's in love with this girl who I won't name, even though loads of people have told me she's a right bitch. He hasn't spoken to me since; excellent. My life's going as well as ever.

I also caved on the giving up smoking and bought some cigarettes on Friday night, only to lose them after smoking 2. I'm 99% positive I left them in my mums car; but they're not there now and she hasn't said anything. I think he's taken them and not said anything just to mess with me to be honest.

Currently have no other news, apart from LAUREN IS COMING TO STAY SOON. Literally cannot wait. If she doesn't come I will be GUTTED and possibly never talk to her again. And if that fails, for at least 5 minutes. I'd never be able to stop talking to her for good, she's too amazing. Definitely friends for life! xxx

Saturday 14 November 2009

Nick Lyons

is who I'm talking to on MSN right now. I'm quite drunk; but haven't posted in 2 days so felt like I should write something.

Good day today. Met my best friend in town and we went to 2 gigs, both of which had loads of fit guys at them, good times!

All I can be bothered to write for now tbh; I MISS LAUREN HAWKINS!

Thursday 12 November 2009

Day number 3

So, today has been about as interesting as yesterday. I did shower today though and download the Twilight and New Moon soundtracks; going to see the film next week with 3 of my best friends from home - Beth, Justine and Becca. Shame Hannah can't make it, she'd complete our fivesome. She's at uni in Preston though, so I'll let her off.

Lauren got her Blackberry today, so when she FINALLY sorts out her email and wifi, I'll be able to talk to her on BB chat 24/7, amazing! ♥ SO glad I met this girl.

I have an appointment at the job centre tomorrow, ashamed to say I am going to begin claiming job seekers allowance. Never thought I'd see myself say that. Oh well, it's only until I find a proper job, which hopefully won't be too long. On the subject of employment, my boss from my job in London sent my pay cheque to my London address, who claim they returned it to the sender. My boss hasn't had it back yet. I hope it hasn't gone missing, that'd be me down a good £150 quid or so, and I just can't afford to lose that kind of money right now!

My mum's gone on another date tonight. The guy's 10 years younger than her with tattoos and a shaved head, as well as being my brothers football coach. Hello midlife crisis? She says she likes him though, so I'm happy for her. Kinda despressing that my mum has a more active love life than I do. First guy she's dated properly since her and my dad broke up, hope it works out for her. My dad's been with his girlfriend for over a year now and I still haven't met her. Not sure what's up with that to be honest.