Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Let's start over

Lisetning to: We Danced Together - The Rakes

I moved to London, went to uni, met Annie and Lauren, had a threesome with a gorgeous guy and a beautiful girl, learned to love cider, drank too much vodka, fell in love with a gay guy, felt like a foreigner in my own country and threw up in some of the most inappropraite places imaginable. It was the time of my life. 4 grand and 2 months later, I'm back home; a uni drop out, with thousands of pounds of debt and some what cloudy view of the direction I want my life to take.

Most of my friends have moved away, I have no boyfriend and as of today I work part time in the local pub. Also thinking about doing some kind of volunteering to occupy some of plentyful free time.

So, to give my life some sort of 'meaning' (not sure that's the right word to use) I've complied a list of things I want to do. See below:

1. Save some money.
This means I have to spend less, which in turn means drinking less alcohol and buying less clothes. Not sure I can stick to the latter, or the former for that matter. To help with this, I intend to:
2. Shop in charity shops.
You find some absolute gems looking through rails of other peoples cast offs - I get a cheap new wardrobe, whilst giving to the needy at the same time. Win win.
3. Quit smoking.
I have asthma, so starting was never a good idea in the first place. It's also a very expensive habbit. Stopping it will not only improve the health of by body, but of my purse too (I did just have a cigarette when walking along the beach, but it was only half, and it wasn't even mine.)
This one is very important. I've put on a whole 2 stone since the beginning of the summer; simply unacceptable and I refuse to carry this excess weight on my body any longer. Bye bye fatty, hello Slimming World. (Since I got home on Friday, I've eaten nothing but healthy food, with the exception of a hotdog whilst at a fireworks display on Sunday night. Go me!) I also intend to keep a diary of everything I eat and drink. Fun times.
5. Go running/to the gym
Excercise will (hopefully) make my diet all the more effective. Although so far I've failed at this entirely. I've been telling myself I'm gonna go for a run or to the gym every day for the past 5 days, it's yet to happen...there's always tomorrow.
6. Sleep with more girls, and less guys.
Guys I've been sexually/romantically interested in so far have all turned out to be pricks. Time for a gender change; it's been too long. Hello ladies.

Also, just got home from spending some time with a girl I used to be getting with. Was kind of having wandering thoughts that maybe ending stuff with her wasn't a good idea; but I've decided to nip this in the bud. She has a new girlfriend now and I'm happy for her. When I was with her I didn't want to be; seems like a classic case of wanting what I can't have. Definitely time for some new blood.

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