Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Lazy days

Listening to: Careful - Paramore

So, today has been completely uneventful. Spent the whole day in my room making playlists and watching House. Time well spent if you ask me; although the boredom of having no uni work or full time job to go to is starting to get to me, which is surprising. When I do have things to do, I come up with every possible way of avoiding them.

Spent a lot of time talking to Lauren last night/this morning. Only known her 2 months or so, but it feels like I've known her forever. I miss her a lot; definite downside of no longer being at uni - my uni friends live at the opposite end of the country. She's gonna come visit soon though, hopefully for my birthday. Gonna go visit her too; it's only fair that Cov gets the pleasure of my presence.

She drew this ♥

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Other news - Beth text me earlier which was nice, it's strange being home without her around. She's not too far away though, I'm seeing her Saturday. We're going to a gig in town, it's free and there's a few decent bands playing so it should be good. A guy who I used to like a lot is gonna be there though, he's in one of the bands. Seen him a few times since we 'broke up' (we weren't actually together) and it's not very pleasant; makes me feel weird, think I'm afraid of liking him again. Oh well, just gonna have to deal with it.

Saw Becca yesterday too, she's doing medicine at uni, so she doesn't have much free time. Me and Justine went round to hers, Becca drank tea and we had a good old girly chat. Her boyfriend's taking her to Chicago next month, we think he might propose. They've been together 5 years now and although she's only 18, she's totally ready for it. I've told her if he does she needs to let me throw her an engagement party, excited!

Still haven't done any exercise today, ah well...I'm sticking to my diet at least. Had a cheeky look at the scales and i've lost 3 pounds already! Hope I can keep this up.

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